Houston Chronicle - 18 minutes ago
“We understand that customers in the Eagle Ford Shale are very demanding, and this new facility will allow ESSI to grow at a pace that matches or exceeds the fast pace at which our customers are growing in this region.
San Antonio Express - Apr 20, 2012
By Guillermo Contreras The Eagle Ford Shale was booming, and a fledgling company in New Braunfels was poised to rake in thousands, if not millions, of dollars selling fiberglass tanks for oil exploration and water storage.
Corpus Christi Caller Times - 5 hours ago
Petrohawk Operating Co., of Houston, has filed for permits to drill five 14000-foot horizontal wells in the Hawkville (Eagleford Shale) field. The #2H Karen Wheeler will be located 8.1 miles southeast of Tilden in the Vela MR A-483 survey.
Seeking Alpha - Apr 18, 2012
In part three of this series on initial production rates and estimated ultimate recoveries in the Eagle Ford, I will cover counties as far west as Atascosa and McMullen and other areas to the northeast.
FuelFix (blog) - Apr 23, 2012
Hotels, motels, man camps and RV parks are springing up throughout the Eagle Ford Shale counties. The workforce is now around 20000.
Corpus Christi Caller Times - Apr 19, 2012
The drilling associated with the Eagle Ford Shale has put huge new stresses on our thoroughfares ranging from interstates to the caliche roads on leased private property.
Victoria Advocate - Apr 18, 2012
It is unclear how the EPA rules will effect production in the Eagle Ford Shale since the rules won't be put into full effect until January 2015.
Victoria Advocate - Apr 15, 2012
COM YOAKUM - The Eagle Ford Shale was the focus of the annual I-10 Corridor Association meeting. "So if this were a ball game, what inning would you say we're in?
Houston Chronicle - Apr 12, 2012
The demand is high for truck drivers in the Eagle Ford shale industry in South Texas. Photo: BILLY CALZADA / SAN ANTONIO EXPRESS-NEWS There's plenty of truck traffic in Yorktown in the Eagle Ford shale area, but more drivers are needed.
MarketWatch (press release) - Apr 17, 2012
The majority of the 150 microturbines will operate on natural gas to generate clean-and-green prime power for Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) units and transfer stations at remote well sites in the Eagle Ford Shale Play.
MarketWatch (press release) - 3 hours ago
Our current operations are principally focused in proven, producing oil and gas plays primarily in the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas, the Niobrara Formation in Colorado, the Barnett Shale in North Texas, the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and West ...
MarketWatch (press release) - Apr 9, 2012
"From the Eagle Ford and Marcellus shale plays in the United States to the oil fields of Russia and Africa, Capstone Microturbines are becoming the go-to power source for producers that want extremely reliable and low emission onsite power solutions.
MarketWatch (press release) - Apr 16, 2012
During the first quarter of 2012, Eagle Ford Hunter, Inc. ("Eagle Ford Hunter") completed and placed on production three gross operated wells (1.26 net) and four gross non-operated (2.0 net) wells in the Eagle Ford Shale. Additionally, Eagle Ford ...
Houston Chronicle - Mar 29, 2012
Traffic is up along most of the roads in the South Texas Eagle Ford Shale play. In DeWitt County, it could cost $70 million over the course of the drilling to repair the roads.
Oil and Gas Online - Apr 18, 2012
The majority of the 150 microturbines will operate on natural gas to generate clean-and-green prime power for Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) units and transfer stations at remote well sites in the Eagle Ford Shale Play.
Construction Digital (press release) - Apr 16, 2012
American Right of Way Academy announced today that due to, the demands of the oil & gas companies currently drilling near San Antonio Texas, ARWA will hold two more Eagle Ford Shale Training Classes on Saturday, May 12th, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza San ...
Corpus Christi Caller Times - Apr 11, 2012
By Mike D. Smith CORPUS CHRISTI - The Coastal Bend has the infrastructure to be the most important coastal hub for moving Eagle Ford Shale crude, the head of a leading pipeline and storage company said Tuesday. NuStar Energy is committed to cementing ...
Financial Post - Apr 23, 2012
Patterson UTI Drilling Co. floorhands guide a section of drill pipe into a rack after it was removed from a natural gas well being drilled in the Eagle Ford shale in Karnes County, Texas Despite the persistent decline in natural gas prices, ...